Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A little about me...

I guess I should tell everyone (whoever may be reading this) a little about myself.

A lot has happened in the past year that has changed my life. In March, I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). Basically, it means it will be hard for me to get pregnant. This was a pretty big blow to me. I never thought I would have problems getting pregnant.

In April, after having a regular check up with the doctor, some blood tests revealed that my liver enzymes and my liver function was a little out of whack. Over the next month, I would have 3 more blood tests done on my liver enzymes/function. The doctor explained to me that the high levels of my liver enzymes generally directed her to believe something was wrong with my gallbladder. I then went on to have an ultrasound performed on my gallbladder, which came back clear. Next was the CT Scan... nothing. On the next day I had a hyda scan done. This was the worst of the 3. It's a nuclear medicine test. They inject some stuff into your IV and you have to lie flat, kind of pancaked between two parts of the machine, for an hour. Then, they inject more fluid into your IV. This fluid makes your gallbladder contract. I felt a horrible pain in my side, but they came back and said my gallbladder was normal. Really? Then, what's the problem? My doctor then referred me to a gastroenterologist. He ordered an endoscopy test, where they knock you out, put a camera down your throat, and even take biopsies of different areas of your stomach. A week later, the dr called me back with a diagnosis: celiac disease. What in the world is that?

Celiac disease affects 1 in every 133 people. It is more common than Alzheimer's disease. Celiac disease means having an intolerance to gluten. Gluten is in anything containing wheat, barley, rye, and most oats. How do you fix this problem? You go on a gluten-free diet for the rest of your life.

It really isn't all that bad. I love eating fruits and vegetables, chicken, steak, and shrimp. I've tried new things, like Brussels sprouts, and found I love them! I went a full month without eating any type of bread when I first started the diet. I found that I really didn't miss it that much. I've purchased gluten free all purpose flour to make things at home. I've found recipes for new things to try. The hardest part for me is the hidden items containing gluten and cross contamination. Soy sauce has wheat in it, canned soups, most anything processed.... Oh, and anything that is the WalMart Great Value brand. I take a chance anytime we go out to eat.

It seems to get easier as time goes on. I'm learning to make the things I love at home. I've decided to make large batches of the stuff I like, and freeze it in portions. I plan to limit how much I eat out, and I have also decided to refrain from eating anything that does not specifically state that it's gluten free or does not have simple labels.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    This may be a bit long...

    When I was about your age, I was also diagnosed with PCOS. It is a pain in the a@@m when trying to get pregnant, but not impossible. I now have two wonderful children.

    My first tip, would be to have a doctor that will listen to you and that you trust. You will be seeing this doctor A LOT so it has to be some one who you feel comfortable with.

    Second, do not get discouraged and don't let the office full of unwed teenagers bother you. Reading this now you will not fully understand what that means, but when you are in the midst of trying to pin point your next cycle, you've just gotten a god awful shot in the bum and you are waiting in the room full of bratty teenagers (really there is only 1 or 2) you have to fight from going postal on them. This will happen. You aren't crazy. This is normal. Don't let it discourage you.

    PCOS wasn't my only issue with getting pregnant, but it took me 4 years. Looking back now, I didn't talk to anyone about it. I didn't even let my husband know how I really felt. So, tip 3 would be to get a good support system and then actually use them! I had the system, I just didn't want to talk about it....

    If you ever have any questions please don't ever hesitate to ask...
